Tonight, someone I know is going to appear on Jeopardy! His name is Justin Gilbert, and he is the owner of Gelato Gilberto, a yummy shop near where I live in Louisville. It's situated in this little Truman-show type neighborhood called Norton Commons. Seriously. Click on the link for a little preview of Wisteria Lane-ish living. Some people I know are creeped out by it.
Anyway. That's Justin, on the left. His wife Kristen is on the right. I hope that they don't mind that I used their picture in my blog, but I figure that any press is good press, right? Plus, I got the picture from google images, which makes it fair game, does it not? Apparently it is a facebook photo. This made me realize I should probably google image (search) myself, and it was quite cool to see my pictures out there in cyberspace. Go ahead. Google-image me. (Be sure to type in "Amber Tidd Murphy" in the search box for better results. I'll wait.)
So, tune in tonight to see someone I know try their hand at a Ken Jennings. My DVR is set! Yours should be, too. Why wouldn't you be excited to watch someone I know compete on a game show? I certainly haven't been this excited since a girl I knew from high school appeared on VH1's The World Series of Pop Culture, even though she totally didn't know that the lyric "I resolve to call you up/ 1000 times a day/ and ask you if you'll marry me/ in some old fashioned way" was from the song Every Little Thing She Does is Magic by the Police, and I was forced to throw things at my television because of her lack of musical knowledge.
Sorry, you do song lyrics all the time. I just couldn't resist:D
Douchey, I know.
This blog entry would have been way cooler if he'd won, but such is life.