Following celebrities on twitter has proved worthwhile. Rainn Wilson led me to Soul Pancake , a website which encourages readers to particpate in a "spiritual and artistic jouney." Here's a recent prompt, effective at baring your true colors and shedding off writer's block: Let’s type blind to find out what the uncensored you really wants to say. 1. Choose a topic that’s important to you. If you have 'topic-block,' just pick a random word from the dictionary. 2. Open up your favorite text editor. 3. Change the font color to white, so you can’t see what you’re typing. 4. Set a timer for 5 minutes, and start typing blind. 5. Copy the results into the comments section. (P.S. Don't spell check. Don't re-read. Just copy and paste.) Here's mine: I randomly generated the word audacity, which I am certain I just mis typed. I typeveryquickly and I backspace a LOT. I am, therfore, not digging this assignment. I clearly would have backspaced to e...