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Showing posts from June, 2011

TMI Thursday: sexy alone time

Yeah, so this past weekend, Stella spent the night at my mom and dad's house for the first time. Hubs (and I) were so looking forward to a little alone time -- but a wrench was thrown into the best laid plans. Saturday, hubs had to attend a funeral. His uncle passed away unexpectedly early last week. Heart attack. He was only 48 years old. I had to work Saturday morning, so hubs dropped Stella off at my parents' house early. After work, I went over to my Mom and Dad's for a little while to hang out with Stella while m&d did their grocery shopping and a few other errands (ones they planned on doing before Stella came to their house, since to watch her ALL day Saturday was not the original plan.) Yeah, are you following? So, it's Saturday afternoon. Hubs is funeral-ing, and I'm at my Mom and Dad's house getting ready to leave Stella (see: Raspberries vid I posted on facebook!) there for the night. I called hubs to let him know I was on the way back hom...

and... you're finally caught up.

In late May, we attended another graduation party. Damn Murphy cousins finishing high school and costing me money! Jussst kidding. I didn't mention yesterday, but I am proud that both cousins are amazingly brillant and one will be attending Ohio State while the other will (blech) attend The University of Kentuky. I don't hold it against him, though. Many of the Murphy's are UK fans. I just pretend I'm down. So, some other cousins came to this second shin-dig, which was super exciting because they have a little baby boy who was born December 16th, just TWO days after my Stella. Caleb has the prettiest eyes, and I'm not jealous that he is soooo much longer than Stella, because she might be peanutty, but I like her like that. (Also, she rolls over way more than he does.) On Memorial Day, otherwise known as Hotter than Hades Day, we took Stella downtown for the first time. We attended this annual music festival called "Abbey Road on the River," in which a b...

tree: down, and other news

Maybe I should just commit to blogging once a month... er, hello again! (Let me catch you up on things.) Stella has now visited her third state... Ohio! In May, we attended a graduation lunch, so we had to get fancy. I'm ever so slightly proud of the following photos. It took us about four hours to get home from Ohio... because someone I married decided not to realize when he missed the exit and overshot our route by about thirty miles and also did not notice a large sign which said "Welcome to Indiana." Someone else was in the passenger seat playing with her iPhone. Also, on May 26th... this happened: It's hard to be too upset, considering that our bedroom is to the left of all that. It was so weird though... we didn't hear it fall. It happened on one of those horrid storm nights, but after the worst of it came through. $300 later, I'm thankful that my house is still standing, but I do miss the shade when I'm out of the back porch roasting in this J...