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Showing posts from July, 2012

...Stella, oh, Stella for Star...

My mommy sucks at blogging regularly. I hope you guys had a happy fourth of July! Sorry it took me until July 7th to say that. (I was in a sparkler coma.)

Custom Potty Chair

I know that hardly anyone reads my blog lately since I took a year off, but... Anyone in the market for a custom, personalized potty chair? My dad is one handy man, and he's made several of these beauts for his clients and his grandchildren! I chose the colors and he did the rest. How cute is that magazine rack?! Don't get me started on the toilet paper roll! In theory, Stells is a fan. In reality, she isn't a huge fan of actually trying to go. Well, I'm only joking -- this photo captures the one and only time (so far!) that Stella has pee-peed in her potty. She only looks miserable because she was IS teething. Ohh... and once we are finished potty training, there's a cover to put over the potty seat -- so it turns into a regular chair. And we'll cut some paper towels down to size to fit in the TP area. So... it's pretty legit.  You should buy one. Comment if you need more information, or just if you think this ...

Stella's top five favorite things in life

5.) Stella loves to jump on the bed. And by loves to jump on the bed, I mean, she says, "Monkey?!" as soon as she wakes up in the morning. Which, in Stella speak, means holdmyhandsandletmejumponyourbedrightnow. 4.) Her second favorite thing is Barney. This is my fault. I allowed her to watch Barney while she ate breakfast one morning, and now she expects to watch it with every meal. She eats better while watching Barney, so I feel like it's a win. 3.) Another favorite is making bubble-beards while in the bath. Last night, she took a bath with her cousin Carley... It was a nice break for me, since I am usually next to the tub, fully clothed -- but yet I still end up covered in bubbles from my nostrils to my neck. Minimum. 2.) No complaints here -- Stella loves to read books. Goodnight Moon is her favorite. Her Dad and I can both recite it from memory because we've read it so many times! Stella loves to point at the bunny in his bed and tell ...