5.) Stella loves to jump on the bed. And by loves to jump on the bed, I mean, she says, "Monkey?!" as soon as she wakes up in the morning. Which, in Stella speak, means holdmyhandsandletmejumponyourbedrightnow. 4.) Her second favorite thing is Barney. This is my fault. I allowed her to watch Barney while she ate breakfast one morning, and now she expects to watch it with every meal. She eats better while watching Barney, so I feel like it's a win. 3.) Another favorite is making bubble-beards while in the bath. Last night, she took a bath with her cousin Carley... It was a nice break for me, since I am usually next to the tub, fully clothed -- but yet I still end up covered in bubbles from my nostrils to my neck. Minimum. 2.) No complaints here -- Stella loves to read books. Goodnight Moon is her favorite. Her Dad and I can both recite it from memory because we've read it so many times! Stella loves to point at the bunny in his bed and tell ...