Natalie Murphy and Tina Sandoval tagged me because they wanted to know my answers to the following: At least I think Tina tagged me. Maybe she didn't. I can't remember. If she didn't, then I tag her now. Question 1: Where were you five years ago? 1. Only working part-time (for the first time in my life) as a waitress. In fact, I might have not even been back to work yet because I was: 2. Still unpacking from a sanity-vacation. (That would be a good Thursday story.) 3. Heavily medicated. 4. Wondering if I would ever feel like me again. 5. Probably more profoundly sad than I have ever been before or since. (2005 was a rough year. May of 2005 might have been the roughest.) Question 2: Where would you like to be five years from now? 1. The hottest Mommy sitting by the kiddie pool. 2. A writer of published fiction heavily loosely based on May of 2005, 3. Earning at least 20k more than I do at my current job. 4. Debt free except for the house. 5. Livin...