Bird Update
Hubs discovered the reason the bird's nest was gone last night. It had fallen off the porch light and was hiding behind our shrubbery -- along with the little baby birdies, who had been tossed from the nest and lay quivering in the dirt.
After a little online research, an almost-teary-eyed hubs pulled on his new gardening gloves (I watched his back so as to warm him of the approach of the angry Mamma Bird) and scooped the little ones back into their nest home... and he stood onour his beer cooler to return the nest to its original spot.
A little while later, Mamma Bird returned with food and was perched back atop her new arrivals.
I planned to blog earlier, and thought this story might have a happy ending.
Sadly, the nest has fallen again. I just arrived home from work -- it's Friday evening -- and there is no nest. I assume it's in the bushes, but I am not going to look. Hubs might look when he gets here. (Since I'm pregnant, I can't be around randombird flu potentially diseased tweeters. (@someonesluttyspice ... BAHahahaha.)
(Had to insert something funny to ease the sadness.)
(I hope this isn't a bad omen about my own pregnancy.)
Hubs makes me laugh
During the American Idol results show on Wednesday, I laughed as all the girls squealed about Bieber. It was Bieber fever up in there.
Hubs caught me smiling, and he was all, "Oh. God. Please don't tell me you like that little Justin Beaver."
The hubster response?
"That's like saying you like AIDS 100 times more than cancer."
Okay, hubs. Point taken.(But the boy does look fine in purple.)
Hubs discovered the reason the bird's nest was gone last night. It had fallen off the porch light and was hiding behind our shrubbery -- along with the little baby birdies, who had been tossed from the nest and lay quivering in the dirt.
After a little online research, an almost-teary-eyed hubs pulled on his new gardening gloves (I watched his back so as to warm him of the approach of the angry Mamma Bird) and scooped the little ones back into their nest home... and he stood on
A little while later, Mamma Bird returned with food and was perched back atop her new arrivals.
I planned to blog earlier, and thought this story might have a happy ending.
Sadly, the nest has fallen again. I just arrived home from work -- it's Friday evening -- and there is no nest. I assume it's in the bushes, but I am not going to look. Hubs might look when he gets here. (Since I'm pregnant, I can't be around random
(Had to insert something funny to ease the sadness.)
Hubs makes me laugh
"No, hubs. It's Bieber. And, I mean, yeah -- whatever, he's okay. If I was twelve I would have a crush. I'll admit that... But, seriously, though. I like him about 100 times more than the Jonas Brothers."
The hubster response?
"That's like saying you like AIDS 100 times more than cancer."
Okay, hubs. Point taken.
I never quite knew how to take it.
Of course, that might be the only thing I've ever heard you say that Hubs said...
Please update us on the birdies... I'm worried about the poor babies! : (
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