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Showing posts from January, 2011

TMI Thursday: a virtual, vocal #facepalm

oh, the humanity. Several months ago Close to a year ago, I had a bloggy birthday giveaway -- and was so excited to award Tina Sandoval with the prize package -- there was a $25 VISA gift card, a love quote frame, and a few other lovely items which I sent her way. Howevs, there was one item I could not ship via US Mail. See, I (ridiculously) promised that I would vlog a karaoke dedication to my giveaway winner. And how hard could that be? I'd have some drinks, get a friend to hit record on a digi camera, and sing my little heart out to some Lisa Loeb or something. Yeaaah... and then I got preggers. And there was no way I was doing that shit stone-cold-sober. So, sadly, I'm yet to make good on the karaoke promise. Until now. Kinda. See, I couldn't bring myself to show my own face on the video. (You didn't want to see me anyway. New baby + maternity leave does not equal a shower every day. Trust .) Here are more reasons that said sing-song is highly humiliati...

forgot my filter Friday: epic win

Sometimes, the overshare gets me virtual raised eyebrows and general disdain, but not this week. This week, ol' Honest Amb came away with chocolate covered Twizzlers. See, there are these really cool author/sister gals,  Lisa and Laura . Some people think they are attached in a siamese way, and just call them LiLa. It's easier than tying out two names, I guess. Anywin, they had a fantastically appealing contest over at their (hilarious) blog this week --    Best, most shocking, most hilarious, most entertaining truth wins the [chocolate covered] Twizzlers. Beyond excited to see what you guys come up with. *drumroll* Well, who else did you guys think would win?! (If you say Simon Larter , I'll punch you in the face.) In the realm of shocking, hilarious, entertaining truth-telling... I will never let you down. Here's my first-place comment. Please enjoy reading it while I go toot my own horn some more. Amber Tidd Murphy said... ...

...for christina's mom...

I was born in a storm, when the earth opened up like a fist unclenching and swallowed the dark. My first wails were not in mourning, not for life lost in a cloud of ash, billowed and blown, on the day I was born. You wrapped me, covered me, sheltered me from the branches that broke, from the thunder that you heard in your core on the day that I was born. And then the skies clear -- yes, autumn leaves settle down. Warmth turns up the corners of your mouth. You watch me dance in the puddles that formed on the day that I was born in the storm. When night falls, when the wind howls again and your screams resound: I will hold you, lift you up. I will be the calm in the eye of the storm.

you might be a new mom if...

1.) The auto-turn-off on your coffeepot shuts 'er down before 8:00 a.m. 2.) You drop a deuce and smile because you're able to do that again. 3.) You stare at the toilet thinking, "Is it necessary to flush that? Because if I do, and it wakes my little one..." You decide the flushing can wait. 4.) Your last 30 facebook updates include the word "baby." 5.) You've forgotten what hot food tastes like. 6.) Six hours of sleep in one night? Amazing. Six hours of sleep allatonce? Absurb and unknown. 7.) You take more photographs now that you ever have in your whole life, total. Many are close ups of little feet and hands. 8.) "Weight Checks" no longer apply to you, because why torment your post-partum self? 9.) Your nipples are no longer your husbands playground. In fact, if he went near them, you would punch him in his nutsackspice. 10.) It takes ninety minutes to watch a sitcom, four hours to watch a basketball game... and, if you...

TMI Thursday: Friday Morning Edition

I think I need to re-name TMI Thursday, because my weekly overshare often gets posted late or not at all. Hmm... I've been using TMI Thursday: Friday Morning Edition. Does this suffice? Discuss in the comments section. I'm opening to suggestions... perhaps I need a catchy title for each day of the week, just in case the mood strikes. I'm thinking: Way Too Much Info on Wednesday More than You Needed to Know Monday Forgot my Filter Friday Soooo Didn't Need to Go There Saturday Oooh, I like those! Confessional I was all set to write a TMI post yesterday, but I liked the 2010 Meme so much that I didn't want to have a newer post in front of it, shoving said meme to the back burner. Do you ever do that -- like your current post enough to put off publishing another? Er, maybe it's just me. Inappropes This is my bossman. He. is. hilarious. However... I think he lacks a paternal gene. (No, in real life I truly think he will be a supe...

2010: A review in meme format (lots o' linky love)

1. What did you do in 2010 that you’d never done before? Got impregnated , birthed a baby ... also weighed my melons , got interviewed on the radio , loved my niece , (okay, loving my niece wasn't new) survived a bank merger buyout merger   in which my original bank was not the one in charge,  was the subject of a blog post written by someone other than me , attended a St. Patty's day parade with the Irish, got yelled at by my own thighs , painted a room, nested. 2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I tried to read 100 books. I read a respectable 68 books. I had low daily word expectations for 2010 , and I exceeded that... er, fail. Resolurions for 2011? Nah, notsomuch . We're just going to enjoy the baby. 3. Did anyone close to you give birth? If, by close to me you mean... rightherespice. *waves* (Also, my two besties from high school had babies in early 2010, another high school gal pal had twi...

three weeks in...

Yeah, all I blog about is Stella. I'm okay with it... aren't you? I can't believe she's three weeks old already. She's definitely hitting some milestones... lifting her head, focusing on our faces and random household items (like the ceiling fan.) She smiles -- and I swear they aren't just "I'm dropping a deuce" smiles. So, to celebrate my little one's 21st day of life, Mommy and Stella will venture out of the house today... all by ourselves! I have a few items to return to Target, and then I think we'll stop by the bank so Stella can see where Mommy works and so that Mommy's coworkers can dote on Stella.  Stella's Louisville Cardinal's fan-gear: proof that Mommy loves Daddy. *** The daddy just called from work to check in. He's a little grumpy because Stella's fussy time is between ten p.m. and midnight... and this is the exact time that Mommy tries to sleep so that Daddy can sleep from midnight until about 7:0...

2011 goals? I just hope to get a shower today!

Hubs is back to work, and Stella and I are just chillin' at the homefront. Mom is trying not to spend tooooo terribly much money on Shutterfly, and Stella is trying not to be toooo terribly disgruntled in spite of her chapped little ass. My poor baby has her first diaper rash. (My blog is sexy, I know.) I think I'm going to take Stelly to the pedi's office today -- get her weight checked and see what they reccommend for the red tushie. It's starting to blister a little and I'm afraid it will turn into a yeastyspice-thing. Yummy. I'm a little nervous about venturing out of the house with my Stellabelle... I'm yet to drive her anywhere at all. I'm great at being in the back seat next to her, but I'm supes anxious about just the two of us in the car, and me all far away in the driver's seat. Good thing the pedi office is only 5 minutes away. In other news, Stella took her first road trip this weekend to Mommy's home state! We My mo...