I think I just had a huge endorphin rush when I opened this new post. So much to share... where shall I start? The Good The Bad I went shopping for clothes on Sunday, as I no longer own pants that both zip and fit. I've been wearing maternity pants ever since I went back to work last month, and it's getting a bit ridic. However, it made me sadspice to purchase pants in a double digit size. Gone are the lovely size 6 and 8 pants that I was able to wear this time last year. Hello, size 14. That's right, I said it. Size 14. Now, before you dub me a vain cow instead of just a cow, keep in mind that while I was in college I gained the freshman 15 during each of my four years. Back in 2002, I weighed more than I did when I went into labor in 2010. I spent the better part of my twenties losing my college weight. I did not want those pounds back. (I should have thought more about that while I was feeding my pregnant face with cheese danish.) So, anywaddle, after m...