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top ten things I've done lately

Friends, if you miss me half as much as I've missed you then we're in business... let me just get the "I suck at blogging and life" pity-party out of the way.

Okay. Donewiththat.

Here's what I've been up to since we last spoke.

1.) Convinced hubs to let me paint over the creepy M & M people in our nursery-to-be. (As you may recall, this wall art is leftover from the previous home owners.)

2.) Driven to Goodwill 6523 times and donated about 531213 pounds of clothes and other trivial junk lovely home decor.

3.) Cleaned out EVERYTHING from the baby's room... except for the furniture. After one more trip to Goodwill and pick-up from Cedar Lake Lodge (we're getting rid of a full sized bed, a random could-be-a-breakfast-table table, and a few other large items) I'll be ready to move the furniture out of the room and it will be empty and ready for painting! (Yeah, no. I'm not moving furniture. I'll have someone else do that.)

4.) Mostly, completed my registry. Asked my co-workers if they'd prefer an invite to my baby shower or, and I quote myself, "if they'd prefer to do their own thing for me."

5.) Somehow, avoided coming off as a heinous gift-hungry snob when I breached this topic of conversation.

6.) Wondered if Wished someone from Ergo Baby Carrier (or one of their competitors) might read this and send me a product to review.

7.) Gained another 6.5 pounds. (Well, probably.)

8.) Sucked it up and purchased a boppy pillow from a consignment sale. (I mean, I paid $10 for it... and I can just register for a new slipcover.)

9.) Cried random-hormonal-pregnant tears only ONCE. (Thankyouverymuch.)

10.) Had the following conversation with hubs... enjoy:

Hubs: I don't care what you name her... I'm calling her Penny.

Amber: You can call her whatever you want, but you'll be calling her that every other weekend.


Melissa Hurst said…
Lol, Amber, how I've missed you! You must blog more often. Srsly.
Hahaha, awww come back and keep blogging!
Jenna Wallace said…
Snorted beer (cuz, yeah, I'm closer to 40 than I am to pregnant) out my nose after reading the Penny discussion! Missed you!
Unknown said…
Yay!!!! Creepy M&M GONE!!! You've done awesome! Mission Accomplished!

You are missed... like really missed! I missed you like a fat kid WOULD MISS CAKE!
Only once with the crazy hormone tears...That is impressive!
Natalie Murphy said…
Lmfao. 9 and 10 cracked me up. ♥
Ashley Stone said…
haha the "every other weekend" line cracked me up! Love it!
Nicole said…
Ahhh the name game - see our prob would be indecision - baby would go unnamed for months..;p
Vicki Rocho said…
Hope you post before and after pics from the painting!

Laughing at the every other weekend! So funny!
Lola Sharp said…
Love the Penny discussion.

I second Vicki---before and after shots, please. :)
Susan R. Mills said…
Ha! Love the conversation with the hubby. So I'm guessing Penny is out. :)
Anonymous said…
Will you blame it on mommy-brain if I mention that there's no "spice" whatsoever in this post...?

Congrats on the impending arrival, good lady! :)
Travener said…
Good one, Amber. Yeah, we've missed you. Hope you manage to blog a bit more between all the other stuff.
carissajade said…
Well I have a dog named Penny and it's a quite fitting name for her, but I haven't met your baby girl yet so...

ANd hells bells. I'm so happy you got to paint over those m&ms!
Jm Diaz said…
HA! Im proud of you, for avoiding the prego-hormonal-tears...

And, you me dear lady, are awesome! great post...

PS\\kinda relived to read that I'm not the only going through blog posting and life in general sucking issues. :)
Sierra Godfrey said…
God you're funny. I just love you.
carissa said…

I leave the blogging world for a week and then you're gone. I rely on you for my daily readings!

Pee ess (I started a whole new blog)
I'll link it here...
Shandal said…
LOL Nice come back! Sorry I haven't been around lately. Summer got in the way of my blogging time. I think I'm baaaack though! :)

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