Ahhhhh, I love bacon. But do you deserve bacon if you haven't been to the YMCA to work out since around 2018?
Well, suck on this - I went to Yoga there this morning. So I gets all the bacon.
Secretly, I'm pretty sure I love grief, too. I tend to hold on to mine, and nuture it like it's a little pet, like a puppy I can stroke when I'm feeling anxious or alone.
But, I digress...
To Be Read
Book I Haven't Read Yet: Bacon Grief, by Joel Shoemaker.
Reason I Haven't Read It: I didn't know it existed until Friday. I attended the first in-person Louiville Book Festival on Friday and it was phenomenal.
Joel's ad in the event program caught my eye, as did the title. I knew that after I attended a couple of panels, I would immediately make my way into the ballroom to find his table and grab a copy of his book.
Should you read it?
Um, only if you like awesome librarian dudes who have husbands and dogs named Maximus. Also, this might be a great one to get into the libraries in your own school districts, just to watch some parents get their panties into wads!
Bacon Grief tells the story of Tim and Charlie, two church kids who become friends and start to consider a relationship that is something more than platonic. The boys must make the "choice to reconcile faith and sexuality."
It sounds so good! And Joel is a wonderful human. It was a joy getting to meet him and talk to him about his book. I wish he was local, but he was in town from central Illinois. You can find him on all the socials - @joelshoemaker10 on the twatter - check him out like, nowspice.
I promised I wouldn't start it until I finish Nora's book, Bad Vibes Only. Ugh! So many books, so little...bacongrief.com
I'm off to speed read!