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1) missed you yesterday 2) this is why I eat Healthy Choice frozen meals for lunch

When I don't blog on a weekday, it makes me feel sort of icky and incomplete -- sort of the same way I feel when my mother calls in the evenings and I don't answer or return her call.

Oh, wait. You didn't notice my lack of a post yesterday?! What? Your world wasn't spinning out of control? You didn't frown as you scrolled through your google reader and found my blog title greyed out? You didn't click on it anyway, only to find the obvious news: musings of amber murphy has No New Items?!

(Don't lie. You know you missed me.)

In truth, you didn't miss much. I've just been chillin' -- barefoot and preggers style.

Apparently, during ones first trimester one has ZERO energy. This weekend, I mostly parked my bloated belly on the couch and participated in a one-woman movie marathon. I watched 27 Dresses, the uber-disturbing Monster (in which Charlize Theron plays one scary lezzie) and Nine... which was not everything I wanted it to be. Oh, yeah -- and I watched a little of Vicky Christina Barcelona. And something else. It's all running together.

God, I'm so boring.

I did venture out to breakfast on Saturday morning to try this restaurant called Wild Eggs, which everyone and their mom raves about. I was tempted to try the "ACE" BLT (Avacado, Cheese and Egg) but settled on a three-egg omelet with goat cheese, onion and diced tomato. It was the most fantastic thing I have ever put in my mouth.

I want to go back to Wild Eggs and get that damn avacado sandwich. Why didn't I go there for lunch today?

I think the cravings have officially started.

Saturday night, mid-movie-marathon, I decided I had to have dessert. I wanted something like a brownie or cupcake or four of both.

I really went all-out trying to decide where I would go to get my sweet fix.

I actually surfed the web: I considered different restaurants and their dessert offerings. Did I want a la mode? Nuts? Chocolate or caramel?

In the end, I chose Homemade Pie and Ice Cream Kitchen. I was ready to delight in their wonderous upside-down yellow cupcake with caramel icing.

(And a brownie.)

I ate everything that I purchased and my pie-hole was satisfied.

Tonight, it's dinner with girlfriends at Macaroni Grill. I've been salivaing over the online menu all morning.

Will I have Shrimp Portofino?

Maybe I'll just get Calimari and Bruschetta (god, I love making a meal of appetizers!) and a side salad.

Oh, God -- they have that bread with the olive-oily-dipping-stuff!

Hmm, since I can't drink I'm totally entitled to order dessert, right?! The Amaretto Apple Crispetti sounds todieforspice.


MJenks said…
Forget that. Go for the dessert ravioli. Snickers bars FRIED inside of pastry shells?

A little part of me shed a tear of delight at the mere idea of that.
Unknown said…
Okay so that all sounds ridiculously delicious... and I'm not pregnant so what excuse am I to use if I decide to eat all of these items??

Have fun at Macaroni Grill! I love appetizer meals, they are some of my favorites! Speaking of which my man hasn't taken me out in awhile, I think it's time I suggest it :)
I just went back and read your entire pregnancy adventure. You are hilarious.
Talli Roland said…
Yum, you've made me hungry!
I missed ya! And something to file away for the last week or two of your pregnancy--my sister in law swears that Macaroni Grill's Eggplant Parmesan puts you into labor. (Didn't work for me, but it was an excuse to eat out.) Trust me, by the end you will try anything, ANYTHING, to get that baby out. Castor oil being the worst thing you'll try, sex being the best.

I've heard root beer floats and riding a motorcycle on railroad tracks also does the trick. Seriously!?! Who in their right mind is going to get on the back of a motorcycle swelled up like a cow and ride down railroad tracks? My neighbor.

Sorry, I'm in a random sleep deprived mode today. :)
OMG! All that food sounds wicked awesome. I'm kinda jealous. Not being pregnant means I don't have any excuse for the pig-out. :)
Tina Lynn said…
Okay...if you are going to continue with food posts while you are preggers I may have to boycott you or I'll get incredibly fat and you'll dump me.
Ashley Stone said…
I still haven't been to Wild Eggs but everyone says it's fantastic! I have to go soon!
Susan R. Mills said…
Ah, I remember those days! Food was my very bestest friend ever. Enjoy it while it lasts.

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