You probably thought this post was going to be about pregnant hanky-panky.
It's so not about that.
So, you know how hubs is in the dark about myaddiction to blogging?
I think he is thisclose to discovering my blog, if he hasn't already discovered it.
See, when hubs navigates the internet, he always goes to "favorites" and then "history" to load up his desired website. So, after I've had my way with my reader, several of your blogs show up right there in the history feed on our adorable lap-top built for two.
The other night, I walked into the room and noticed hubs had a window open -- it had a pink-y background. I recognized the site immediately. It was Fiction Groupie's blog.
"Are you reading one of mine?" I asked him, scared to actually utter the word "blog."
"No," heresponded lied. (I love catching hubs in lies. It's so empowering.)
He closed the window and right behind it was Vita Brevis' blog. I wasn't born yesterday. He closed that one, too -- in a quicklike manner that is normally reserved for those moments when I catch him looking at porn.
That was the full extent of our conversation on the topic.
Then, the other day, hubs swore I hadn't kissed him hello when he got home from work.
I had been seated at the laptop, commenting on blogs and strolling through my reader.
He told me, "You were too busy blogging."
I was all defensive, "I wasn't too busy. I was just sitting down. You could have come over here and kissed me!"
So, he did. And then he sat down on the couch next to me and told me that there was a guy who had the same name as him, who was an expert-something-or-other and... did I know how he knew that?
"We googled ourselves at work today. It was so-and-so's idea."
"Cool, hubs. Good for you."
Had it never occured to hubs to google himself before? And if he googled himself, did he google me, too?
Does he know about musings of amber murphy? Has he read any back posts? Will he tell me if he knows of my bloggy existance?
Hubs: if you know about this blog and admit it to me, you'll get a beej tonight. (We've never called it that before. I just didn't really want to type the words out full-on. Oh, hell. Nevermind. Blowjobspice. There. I said it.)
It's so not about that.
So, you know how hubs is in the dark about my
I think he is thisclose to discovering my blog, if he hasn't already discovered it.
See, when hubs navigates the internet, he always goes to "favorites" and then "history" to load up his desired website. So, after I've had my way with my reader, several of your blogs show up right there in the history feed on our adorable lap-top built for two.
The other night, I walked into the room and noticed hubs had a window open -- it had a pink-y background. I recognized the site immediately. It was Fiction Groupie's blog.
"Are you reading one of mine?" I asked him, scared to actually utter the word "blog."
"No," he
He closed the window and right behind it was Vita Brevis' blog. I wasn't born yesterday. He closed that one, too -- in a quicklike manner that is normally reserved for those moments when I catch him looking at porn.
That was the full extent of our conversation on the topic.
Then, the other day, hubs swore I hadn't kissed him hello when he got home from work.
I had been seated at the laptop, commenting on blogs and strolling through my reader.
He told me, "You were too busy blogging."
I was all defensive, "I wasn't too busy. I was just sitting down. You could have come over here and kissed me!"
So, he did. And then he sat down on the couch next to me and told me that there was a guy who had the same name as him, who was an expert-something-or-other and... did I know how he knew that?
"We googled ourselves at work today. It was so-and-so's idea."
"Cool, hubs. Good for you."
Had it never occured to hubs to google himself before? And if he googled himself, did he google me, too?
Does he know about musings of amber murphy? Has he read any back posts? Will he tell me if he knows of my bloggy existance?
Hubs: if you know about this blog and admit it to me, you'll get a beej tonight. (We've never called it that before. I just didn't really want to type the words out full-on. Oh, hell. Nevermind. Blowjobspice. There. I said it.)
Thanks again, superblogwriterintheclosetspice
!?!?! Ha! Yours does this too? Uhhh did our husbands come from the same factory? ;) lol
My hubby has started commenting occasionally on my blog and I have to admit it makes me want to cry. Tears. Of. Joy. Seems he is more interested in my writing "hobby" now that he sees other people paying attention. I'll take what I can get. ;)
I mean she's not a big reader but if she blogged I would be really curious. I'm not upset about it at all but I just don't get it
Anyway you are very funny. We call it oral pleasure, but certainly don't talk about it publicly. Very brave of you. Speaking of which, well only slightly related, don't Google my name unless you want to see pics of a VERY hawt gay porn star. Maybe I should start using my middle name as a writer?
My hubby reads my blog, how often I don't know but he reads it!
My last name is pretty unique: Ducleroir. It's my married name, natch. My hubby once Googled himself, and was like, WTF?? when pages and pages of results turned up for ME! Nothing on him. Ba-ha-ha!
Have a fun night *wink*
I discovered recently that mine subscribes to my blog via email so he never misses one! Sneaky, that.
I love you so much for this!