Would this have scared the beejesus-spice out of you as a child?
For the record, these M & M people aren't my handiwork. It isn't like I all of the sudden developed a talent in the visual arts.
This is our "other" spare bedroom -- our future nursery. The walls looked this way when we moved in five years ago. At the time we thought, "Ohh, this would make such a cute baby room someday!"
Now, I'm reallyreally torn about keeping these chocolate covered creatures of the walls of my little beans bedroom. Aren't they kind of creepy?
Or are they cute?
What do you think?
Keep 'em or dump 'em?
(Hubs still likes them. I think he just doesn't want to paint. My big issue is that they aren't really calming. Maybe they were cute for the toddler who used to live in my house, but maybe they also turned her into some hyper-active, manic beast-of-a-child. One who was afraid to eat candy or something.)
Dump 'em.
Just sayin.
On the other hand, I think they're more appropriate for a toddler/preschooler than an infant. (he/she should at least know what an M&M is!)
I also have this thing against licensed images. It's like you have a COMMERCIAL on your wall. As cute as they are I would probably re-do it with another kid friendly theme. I always thought kites would be a fun/colorful one that could grow with munchkin for a while.
Do you want your child terrified of one of the most delicious midnight snacks in America?? I didn't think so... I vote dump them.
On the other hand, they ARE very commercial nor do they promote healthy eating. And let's face it, you don't want to train your child to want Mommy's snacks, do you? If you're smart, you'll paint right over those and teach the baby from the get go that when mommy eats M&Ms, they are not to be shared. This is an important life lesson for a kid.
And Pottery Barn has come very nice decals that don't involve snacks.