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getting all bookified

My pal, pinkflipflops, at the many thoughts of a reader snagged these questions from

I'd love to read your book-y answers, too!

What have you just read?

I just finished THE GIRL WHO STOPPED SWIMMING by Joshilyn Jackson and I lurvvvved it. I blogged about it earlier this week because I jocked it so much. Before reading that amazing novel, I read WEDDING SEASON by Darcy Cosper, (adored it) a book my Mom liked called THE SHACK (sort of abhored it!) and BUT INSIDE I'M SCREAMING by Elizabeth Flock (it was a'right.)

What are you reading now?

Don't laugh. I often read 21654321 books at the same time. I technically have six books going right now.

I've been reading Jonathan S. Foer's EVERYTHING IS ILLUMINATED since April. Yeah. I've sort of decided to finish it at some point since I'm close to halfway through it.

I'm reading THE BLIND ASSASSIN by Margaret Atwood.

I started THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO last night because I couldn't help myself.

I've been reading Steve Martin's THE PLEASURE OF MY COMPANY in my car-spare-time (i.e. red lights and drive thru's) this week, and I'm in love with the first 30 pages. I brought it in the house last night and apologized to "those other books" I'm reading.



Do you have any idea what you'll read when you're done with that?

As a matter of matter, I do! When I finish at least two of the books listed above I'll probably start one of my library books... either Patricia Wood's LOTTERY or Jonathan Tropper's HOW TO TALK TO A WIDOWER.

What's the worst thing you were ever forced to read?

Herm. I can't remember being forced to read anything completely heinous. I wasn't a fan of MOBY DICK, so I put it down after 140-ish pages. But no one was forcing me to read it. My ex-beau went through an Ayn Randian phase, and I wasn't a huge fan of THE VIRTUE OF SELFISHNESS, either.

What's one book you always recommend to just about anyone?

Sue Miller's WHILE I WAS GONE.
Barbara Kingsolver's THE POISONWOOD BIBLE.
Lois Lowry's THE GIVER.

Le Sighspice. I love those three books.

Do you read books while you eat?

Yes. At almost every meal.

While you bathe?

I used to sit down in the shower and read when I was a teen. Sometimes the pages would get wet. (Um, no. I'm serious!) These days, my hot water heater doesn't have time for me to both read and wash my 2000 parts, so I put the kibosh on that activity years ago.

I hardly ever have a bath, but when I do, there are always bubbles and books involved.

While you watch movies or tv?

Yes, sometimes. During commercials, especially. Then I'll look up and realize the show is back on and I have to rewind live television. I often say, "It's magic" while doing so, and kiss my remote. I love DVR.

While you're on the computer?

Not typically. Maybe if I was waiting for a website to load, or if I was idle on facebook or something.

When you were little did other children tease you about your reading habits?

Not that I can recall... they had plenty of other reasons to tease me (reasons including, but not limited to, the canyon of a gap between my two front teeth.)

I did get in trouble once during fifth grade Math class for reading a Baby-Sitter's Club book in the middle of the lesson.

What's the last thing you stayed up half the night reading because it was so good you couldn't put it down?

Chris Bohjalian's THE DOUBLE BIND... and about 90% of the other books I've read this year.

Have any books made you cry?

Duh! I'm a girlspice. The last book I remember inducing actual wet tears were Cormac McCarthy's THE ROAD and Sue Miller's LOST IN THE FOREST.

This was fun! If your name is Travener or Roni or Elena or Shannon or other-Amber's or JM Diaz or Carissa or Jen or Simon or Wendy or Sierra or Natalie or Mehlane or Vickie or Lilly or B.E. or something else then YOU, too... should complete this meme.

(Yeah, that was lazy tagging, so you aren't officially bound.)


Leslie said…
Ok, you MUST add Foer's second novel, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, to your list!
Book twins! I love the Pleasure of my Company. Steve Martin if phenomenal. Absolutely phenomenal. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo was freaking amazing -- and I jumped right into the sequel.... and then the final book in the trilogy. The BF got me a kindle, which I thought I would hate, but I actually lovespice. Don't think I'm a book sellout.
Sierra Godfrey said…
I love this and enjoyed your answers. I'll totes do this too. (But only cause you mentioned me). Kisses!
Ashley Stone said…
oh my goodness can I just say that I have read every Babysitter club book!!! Well... unless new ones have come out since the 90's, haha.... but ya know.. all the old ones, like 100!!

You will love Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. The beginning was slow for me, so don't give up on it, but once you get into it you'll be hooked.

What is the girl who stopped swimming about?
B.E. Sanderson said…
Thanks for sort of tagging me, Amber. I just put my answers up. It was a fun way to procrastinate on my edits. =o)
Melissa Hurst said…
*sneaking on to leave a comment cuz I'm "officially" on a blogging/commenting hiatus cuz I'm supposed to be finishing my WIP*

OOOOOH, I totally cried when I read The Road, too. So freakin sad!

I'm missed ya Amberspice!!!!!!
You have made me add like a gazillion books on goodreads lately. When will I ever read them all???
Natalie Murphy said…
*is adding some of the books to my list*

I'll try and get to this next week =)
MJenks said…
Done and done.

But only because there have been so many bathing suit pics on here recently.
You crack me up! This made me laugh out loud (as most of your posts do).
I do the exact same thing while watching tv... I don't even know why I try to watch tv, I should just read.
Travener said…
I'll have mine posted soon.

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