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if you're happy and you know it... make a list

Bank Monday holidays are the best. A solid, uninterrupted weekend -- even if one is forced to put in a few Saturday hours, as this one was -- and Monday off on the company's dime.


However, a Tuesday at the bank after a Monday holiday is not so utopian and sometimes makes an employee forget why it was worth it to have a day off at all.

So, yes. Today has been a bit stressful. I'd like to take this opportunity to remind myself of all the things that make me happy.

Things that make me grin

1. Lunch hour. Eating hubs homemade tuna on yummy whole grain bread, even though we're at the end of the loaf and I had to use the heel.

2. Making sweet tea in my Mr. Coffee Iced Tea Maker. Drinking said sweet with ice. Ice is nice. I like ice.

3. My 2010 reading total: 48 books. As of July 6th, I'm only two books off the pace. I WILL read 100 books this year. (Know of any good short books? I'm obvi going to need to pad my stats a little.)

4. Classic college basketball games on the Big Ten Network. Cheering for my Hoosiers in games long since written in the record books is fun, not strange.

5. Three paychecks in July. I loved you July 2nd. July 16th and July 30th -- we will be great friends.

6. Signing up for WriteOnCon. I'm allowed, even though I don't write kid lit.

7. Memories of Jake and Vienna's interview last night on The Bachelorette. It was deliciously awkward, though it did give me a bit of heartburn. Worth it.

8.  My vacation starts Saturday! We're going to Destin, Florida and will have fun whether we're bathed in suntan oil or BP oil.

9. Shopping for vacation must-haves, like a bathing suit, because this is the first year I can say that it isn't my fault if I don't look like a perfect ten in my swim wear. Of course I don't. I'm making a baby.

10. Saying der out loud after typing number 9.


Anonymous said…
Try Conrad's Heart of Darkness and The Secret Sharer (novellas, both). Also, The Old Man and the Sea is short. So is Goodnight Moon. (You could easily break 250 books this year if you count picture books.)

I'm considering the WriteOnCon issue meself. I'll try to avoid mention of disembowelings in the forums. *exercises manful restraint*
Jenna Wallace said…
Great list. And use #9 for as long as you can.

Short books? How about A Virtuous Woman by Kaye Gibbons, or The Bride's Farewell by Meg Rosoff.
MJenks said…
The one good thing about lablife is that I wound down pretty much everything on Friday, and now I'm just hanging out getting a new project underway.

And by "wound down" I mean I surfed the internet all day, until it was time to go home, which was right after lunch.
Unknown said…
I think I should make a baby so I can use #9 as my excuse... brilliant!!!

Oh Jake and Vienna, your trashiness never gets old in my book :)
Yay for WriteOnCon!

Oh, and ice IS nice. I'm one of those weird people who orders my iced tea with an extra glass of ice, because it always melts and then I want more!

Hope you're haveing a happy Tuesday!
Shopgirl -- it's a novella and it's AMAZING.
Ashley Stone said…
love it! Do you read the twilight books? Stephanie Meyer's new book is a novella: The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner. And it's super good! I read it in 1 day.
Travener said…
Animal Farm is really short. The Great Gatsby isn't all that long. The Old Man and the Sea is shortspice.

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