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Showing posts from August, 2010

do not disturb...

Yeah, so while I was home at lunch today I wrote this super-cute blog post about how today is my two-year anniversary. I even thoughtfully linked all three of the past blog posts which have the wedding pictures. There was an adorablespice "do not disturb" image, too. It was all very posh and romantical. Then, at the end of the post, I linked a picture of the two of us. But it was completely heinous, so I went to remove it. And when I did, my entire post DISAPPEARED. And I tried to exit out before blogger saved said BLANK mother-lovin' post, but the damage was done. An entire post. Eaten for lunch. By blogspot. #Damnitalltohell. Yup, it's just been that kind of week. Our air conditioner is on the fritz, and it's currently 82 god forsaken degrees in my house. Plus, I am so hormonal, I could kick a puppy. Hubs better not expect sex tonight in this sweltering climate. (Were hubs to read this, he would probably say he's waaay past expecting sex. I t...

TMI Thursday: in which someone didn't plan ahead

Ahh... the bliss of having TMI to tell. Especially when the overshare relates to someone other than me. See, Sunday afternoon hubs and I went traveled to Lexington for my niece's birthday party. (Happy 5th!) After, we joined the immediate family for dinner at TGI Fridays (where I went a bit preggers-hormonal on the waiter, who really did suck at his job. But that's neither here nor there.) After a round of good-byes, hubs and I got settled into the car, happy to head back to Louisville -- we're always ready to get away from those Kentucky-Wildcat-loving Lexingtinians. Plus, hubs is a niners fan, so he was excited to get home and watch a bit of the Favre- vs.-49'ers preseason game. Anywhoddle, hubs was in the drivers seat and Lexington was hardly in his rearview when he said the unthinkable... "Um, I'm going to have to pull over. I think I pooped my pants a little." I wanted to burst into immediate hysterical laughter, but then I realized we were ...

because it takes a village...

Photo: What's that? You want to buy my baby a gift even though I never have time to a)blog with regularity or b)comment on your blog with regularity? How kind of you! Just click here.  (P.S. mother, Amber Murphy, Kentucky) What?! It was worth a shot!

bring out your 1.) novocaine and 2.) percocet

It's been a rough day. See, there are a few things in life I'm scared of. I've talked about my fear of flying before, but there are a few fears which I haven't blog-fessed-up to. Until now. 1.) I'm scared when people in the passenger's seat of my car touch the airbag. Like, seriously , don't put your feet up on it if you ever want to ride with me again. Just don't. I'm afraid it will go off, burning your face and probably totaling my car because the things are so damned expensive to replace. Or so I've heard. (And for the record, I've had this air-bag fear since my high school days, and well before one deployed near my face in my a-deer-hit-me-on-the-highway-wreck in May of 2000.) Whew. I'm glad I let that out. But it was merely a digression. Read on, friends. Read on. 2.) I'm scared of oral dental surgery. That's why I still have all four of my mostly-impacted wisdom teeth. And that's why when I chipped a tooth mont...

Today, I become an expert in the art of...

BREASTFEEDING! I'm attending my first prenatal class this evening at the hospital where I will deliver the baby in December. This particular class is all about breastfeeding, a subject which intimidated me less before I google-image-searched it. (Seriously, boys. Go wild. I've never seen so much areola in my life.) I really hope breastfeeding works out for me, though... because I need to do it to save money. (Okay, I'm looking forward to that bond with the baby, too.) I was going over a few budgeting issues last night and I realized that by the time my child is a toddler we will probably be living out of our car. Oh, but she'll have a really nice day care Monday - Friday from morning til night. So, that's cool. I just can't get over it: $190 a week?! For daycare?! It sounds so insanely expensive, but I figure baby will be there 9 hours a day/ 5 days a week... which really only works out to about $4.2222222 an hour. But, I digress. I was supposed to ...

i miss blogging on the regular

Oh, I've just been so busy, though... and I hate to just pop in for a quickie post. See, this whole writing for thing takes up my lunch hour now. That time used to be reserved for blogging. Le sigh. I've sold you out for a paying gig. (Um, so far... it's not paying much. So don't get too excited.) Check me out, though. Today, I wrote about Birth Plans. And so far, my most popular article was about these quintuplets born in Louisville about a week ago. So, that's cool... but I miss you guys! *** Fear not! I will still shower you with lovespice. There's plenty of me to go around. (There's even more of me than there was before, thanks to all this pregnancy weight.) Let's see... here are some random updates. * When deleting spammy comments from my posts, I often think to myself "how ruuuude" a la Stephanie Tanner's Full House days. God, she was adorable before she bacame a crack whore. * It feels odd, but I am cur...

if you missed it on facebook, we're having a...

BABY! Oh, wait. You guys already knew that, didn't you? You want to know whether or not I'm having a boy or a girl... especially if you entered my gender-guessy contest with the as-yet-unrevealed mystery prize. So, without further ado... I would like to take this moment to announce that we are having a GIRL! I'm reallllly excitedspice. I decided not to post the ultrasound pics of the special parts, because my daughter will emulate neither Lindsay Lohan nor Britney Spears. No. crotchshots. Also, hubs bought me pink flowers yesterday! Okay, on to the winner. These people guessed girl: Lilly Jen Vicki Rocho Frankie Diane Mallis Christine Danek B.E. Sanderson Natalie Murphy ND Linda Henderson Rose Cooper tucsoncordovas carissa These guessed boy: Jenna Wallace MJenks pinkflipflops jayme @ kentucky blonde a little pink in the cornfields Simon Larter Ashley Stone Guesses it's a Griffin: Travener chose number 9 (out of all 20 guessers) so I just...

tomorrow's the big day (reduex)

Boy  or girl ? Tomorrow, I have an ultrasound. I'm almost 22 weeks pregnant. If the baby does not reveal his or her special parts, I shall be very disappointed. Hubs is convinced it's a boy. My mom is attending the Big Show with us, and if it's a girl she and I plan to point at hubs and say, "In yer face." I know that most of you have already cast your votes. If you haven't, feel free to comment with your gender guess. I wish be giving away something blue or something pinkspice. These people guessed girl: Lilly Jen Vicki Rocho Frankie Diane Mallis Christine Danek B.E. Sanderson Natalie Murphy ND Linda Henderson Rose Cooper These guessed boy: Jenna Wallace MJenks pinkflipflops jayme @ kentucky blonde a little pink in the cornfields Simon Larter Guesses it's a Griffin: Travener Housekeeping: If you don't see your entry here, leave your guess in the comments below. Yes, the prize is still a mystery. If you don't like that, too badspice.

Friday Five

1. I'm going to run over my neighbor's cat. Not on purpose. It won't be my fault. See, he likes to lounge in my driveway (the cat, not the neighbor) and when I try to pull my car into said driveway, the damn cat does not budge. I actually had to stop at the top of my driveway yesterday and shoo him to get him to skedoodle. And that was a lot of work. So, I'm considering accidental-looking cat murder. 2. I felt really fat today, and I kept complaining about  mentioned it. In front of an obese coworker. Then, I felt insensitive and fat. 3. Is anyone else watching Big Brother? Or am I the only one? Anyone planning on watching Bachelor Pad? It starts Monday and I am already salivating over the impending sleeze. 4. Seriously, I love writing for . Check out all the articles I've written so far here.  (Also, read my super cute bio. It rocks, if I do say so myself.) 5. Something in my kitchen reekslikeass. It might be my leftover-leftovers fr...

outlet. for. pregnancy. hormones. (or, a negative review of Walgreens)

So. I go to Walgreens pretty often. I used to visit my local Walgreens like every other day, because it was in walking distance from the location where I worked, and was super convenient for a secret smoke break (before pregnancy, thankyouverymuch) or an oft needed mid-day infusion of Munchos or caffeine (uh, also before pregnancy. Well except for the Munchos. I still devour those.) Anyway, I digress. Sometimes I do that when I tell stories. And when I'm mad. The people at my Walgreens are almost always really nicespice. This cute old man works there and he has an infectious smile. A cute old lady always mentions it when she has a coupon available for an item in my cart. I love the checkout people at Walgreens. And I love the elderly. Usually, the pharmacy staff at my chosen Walgreens are also very helpful, decent human beings. Yeah, they get busy, but they are still awesome. Except for today. See, I dropped off a prescription (baby and I are fine, don't wor...

coolspice contests and giveaways

Epic August Contest Roni (my favorite fiction groupie) and Julie Cross (another awesome blogger) are giving away a multitude of prizes, tag team style. This week alone, you can win: Hannah Moskowitz's Break Lisa Desrocher's Personal Demons (ARC) A query or first five pages critique from Fine Print Lit's intern, Gemma Cooper A query or first five pages critique from Janet Reid's assistant, Meredith Barnes A query or first five pages critique from agent Suzie Townsend A query or first five pages critique from editor Brendan Deneen Enter here. Enter now (or by Sunday, August 8) so that you'll have a chance to win! Store Your Liquor Also, Ashley over at As a Matter of Opinion... is giving away a really cute winerack. Wanna see it? Cute, right? (And, if you're Simon Larter , don't worry... I'll bet you could substitute vodka bottles instead of wine. A vodka rack. What a novel idea!) So, click here to enter. Or, don't, and I'll...

super secret project reveal

I am now I journalist! I signed up with  and I have already published two articles. I am the "Louisville New Moms Examiner" and I get to write about whatever I choose, so long as it's pertinent to my local audience. Won't you take a look at what I've written. (Because, you know, I get paidspice for pageviews/ length of time you stay on the page/ etc.) Here's a link to my first article. And my second. Won't you support my Day Care Fund by reading one or both?! Also, if you are interested in becoming an examiner in your town... it's easy to apply! The cool thing is that the possibilities are pretty much endless. You could be a Book Exmainer, a Creative Writing Examiner, a Restaurants Examiner, a Cupcake Examiner (I'm talking to you, Sierra Godfrey !) or a Pocket Link Examiner. (Okay, maybe you couldn't be a Pocket Link Examiner. Though, if you did, I would totes read your work.) It's kind of like blogging, except...