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tomorrow's the big day (reduex)

Boy or girl?

Tomorrow, I have an ultrasound. I'm almost 22 weeks pregnant.

If the baby does not reveal his or her special parts, I shall be very disappointed.

Hubs is convinced it's a boy.

My mom is attending the Big Show with us, and if it's a girl she and I plan to point at hubs
and say, "In yer face."

I know that most of you have already cast your votes. If you haven't, feel free to comment with your gender guess. I wish be giving away something blue or something pinkspice.

These people guessed girl:
Vicki Rocho
Frankie Diane Mallis
Christine Danek
B.E. Sanderson
Natalie Murphy
Linda Henderson
Rose Cooper

These guessed boy:
Jenna Wallace
jayme @ kentucky blonde
a little pink in the cornfields
Simon Larter
Guesses it's a Griffin:

Housekeeping: If you don't see your entry here, leave your guess in the comments below. Yes, the prize is still a mystery. If you don't like that, too badspice.


Unknown said…
PRAYING FOR A GIRL!!!! I want to join in on the "In yer face" as well!!!

Good luck! Can't wait!
carissa said…
GIRL!!!! Only because boys are stupid. But either way, you'll grow to love it I'm sure.

jayme said…
i change my guess! I THINK IT'S A GIRL!!!!! ;0)