I'm clearly no expert on how to get a novel published because I've only just finishing writing one.But, during the past week I've accomplished quite a lot.
I've tightened up my hook/ blurb
Louisville’s Laurel Lancaster is quickly coming apart at the seams. In her early twenties, her first manic episode crescendos into a two week stay in a mental health facility. While battling to reintegrate back into everyday life, the universe delivers news that may send her further spiraling: her ex-boyfriend is dead in an apparent car accident. Laurel knows better. She must figure out how to cope with a death she believes she caused, and discovers that her only redemption – or perhaps her only punishment – is to keep on living.
Cleaned up my manuscript. It's a little short at 66,000 words, so I'm adding in a chapter
Wrote a synopsis
Added a couple of agents to my dream agent list
Found another beta reader and sent my work off to him
Wrote a list of questions to be discussed with Nathan Bransford on our upcoming call in August.
Submitted five poems to Southern Poetry Review
Stayed active on twitter, using my MC's name as my handle
Twitter highlights
Connected with an agent who loves Dar Williams
Continued to pinch myself after one of my favorite authors, Chris Bohjalian, replied to a comment I left recommending one of his books to a new twitter follow. He was thanking me. I mean, do what?!
My conversation with Chris Bohjalian turned into me telling him I'm hoping to begin the query process and his wishing me the best of luck. I'll be sending him a link to this post later today, which really intimidated me at first, but I have shaken it off. I am putting everything I can into the universe, and continuing to dream big.