When I heard that Romy Newman, President and co-founder of Fairygodboss would be presenting a webinar through my Day Job I was stoked. Even the title of the session - The Antidote to Burnout, had me feeling like this was nutrition my poor mind and soul needed.
COVID be damned, my day job had gotten stressful. I'm talking lonely and dying little old ladies stressful.
Anywhozers, I didn't have time to listen to the webinar live because of the responsibilities of said day job, and the entire day of that session was one of the most stressful in my entire career. That was August 11th.
Yesterday, nearly three weeks later, I finally had made time to listen to the replay. It took three weeks.
Talk about needing an Antidote to Burnout.
Romy defines burnout as:
"emotional, mental, physical due to prolonged or repeated stress, most often caused by problems at work - but it can also appear in life: parenting, caretaking, romantic relationships."
This resonated with me on the work front (and the parental front, but that's neither here nor there.)
Our boundaries between home and work are severed. Since March 2020, I've been working from my kitchen table. (It's the best view in the house. I don't need no stinkin' office.) Do you know that I have my personal laptop set up on one end of the table and my worklap top at the other? Depending on where I'm sitting, I'm one person (a writer) or another (a Day Jobber.) I like the juxtaposition, I guess.
Man, Michelle Obama, I need this quote of yours that Romy shared on the (work laptop) screen.
"Instead of letting your hardships and failures discourage you or exhaust you, let them inspire you."
Yes ma'am.
In closing:
1. Understand what lights you up --> have fun, find your flow
2. Design your work --> discover your dream job. Actively seek and co-create it.
3. "The Helpers High" --> be an ally and a giver.
4. Learn to love mistakes --> just opportunities to learn. Reframe and reinvent.
5. Get serious about JOY --> and find your joy crew.