A Banker's Christmas Tree:
I would like to inform you that the tree skirt is fashioned out of bank envelopes. Please also note the suckers and the money strap chain. And the rubberband balls.
My boring office. I stay out of it as much as I can.
The rest of the joint. I would like to tag Kentucky Blonde in this photo. She's the, uh, blond one.
Hell on earth = demanding that hundreds of customers empty out their safe desposit boxes before this branch building closes in February...
i <3 the bank ... SIKE!!!!
Oh, by the way, I could use a loan. Can you work that out for me?
Trav: You can talk about boobs over here. Don't let sweet niblets stop you!
And I already answered your cash machine question. See my older post. Nah, here, I'll just copy and paste it:
[Trav: Yes, I love that my initials are now ATM. Actually, they are ALTM because the "Leigh" is in there, too. My business cards say Amber Tidd Murphy and several customers have noticed that my initials. One even asked, "Did you plan that?" Uh, I clearly did!]
So... no. No one has outright called me "cash machine."
And, yes, I could attempt to get you a loan. (Ha. I just typed "alone" instead of "a loan" and burst out laughing as I backspaced thinking that slip was rather freudian!)
Love the one of the safety deposit boxes.
Does the branch closing mean you're out of a job or do you move to another building?