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have you seen this blogger? blue eyes, brown hair, says "spice" a whole lot...

Friends and fellow bloggers are concerned that their favorite blogger -- the adorable, witty, tongue-in-cheek writerslashbankerslashbabymaker Amber Murphy -- has not blogged in the better part of a week.

(*see disclosure at the end of the post)

Former school mate Ashley Stone, recalls Amber's last post. "I remember it was last week sometime, Wednesday, I think. She posted this google-image-game meme, where you attach photos to questions like Where is your hometown? and What is your favorite beverage? I remember it, because I posted the meme -- played the game -- the very next day. I sure hope everything is alright."

Tina Sandoval, virtual wife and soul mate, became concerned when she realized Amber hadn't posted last Thursday. "It's so rare for her to miss an opportunity to overshare," Sandoval noted, eyes wide with concern. "And I am pretty sure that the only time she did skip a TMI Thursday, she posted a special TMI: Friday Edition the very next day."

Sandoval wiped a few tears and said, "Plus, I really expected her to comment on my Dream Sequence Blogfest entry on June 4th. Four days later and I've gotten no feedback! Not a word. Nothing."

All around the blogosphere, her followers are wondering what the hell is up. Sierra Godfrey can't decide whether to be worried or pissed. ("What, is she just mad that I didn't link her in my Friday-reader-roundup last week? I mean, she didn't give me a ton to work with.") Sierra wanted to us tell Amber that if she returns to blogging, she promises to link her in her round-up, you know, if she posts something real good upon her big comeback.

The Big Litowski is still checking for her name in bold in his google reader. "I won't give up on Amber Murphy. I'm still waiting for pictures of her belly bump... and you know, some baby-growing-boobage, if you know what I'm sayin'..."

Perhaps the most scorned of all is Amber's Google Reader, who is weighed down with over 700 unread items. Google reader wanted us to beg Amber for a little TLC. G. Reader told us exclusively, "Look. I'll just be honest. It's been so long, I'm not even sure who she neglets more: me or her bikini line."

G. Reader rolled his eyes as the item total escalated with a few more published posts.

"Or should I say, bikinilinespice."

(Disclosure: All quotes from fellow bloggers are ficticious and in no way represent the truly feelings that these individuals may or may not have for the author of musings of amber murphy. Except for the quote from her Google Reader, who is seriously hot under the collar. And the one from Travener at The Big Litowski, who did comment on her blog once that he wanted to see her baby bump and pregnancy boobs. If she remembers correctly.)


~*~Lilly~*~ said…
Come back! Come back! I have missed your spiciness!! :) lol
Hehehe, I swear, each post just gets betterspice.
Unknown said…
Great picture selection!! I need to put that on my because I loved that book, haha.

Oh my gosh I so glad you are back, if only for a moment! You've been missed.

I'd use the "spice" word but I'm afraid I'm not gifted like you and several of your followers, I hope you can learn to forgive!
Anonymous said…
Do we need an Amber Alert now? Wait. I don't think that's applicable here....
Melissa Hurst said…
So.....where HAVE you been Amber? We need a little more spice around here;)
jayme said…
at least you'll get to spice up my life tomorrow around 2ish!! OW OW OW OW OW
Ashley Stone said…
haha, you are hilarious! I haven't been blogging much either, but it's funny, just yesterday I was thinking "hmm... Amber hasn't written in a while, strange."

Love this post, too funny!
You crack me up! That picture totally made me want to go out and pick up that book. I think I read it in like 4th grade?!
Come back soon! You are greatly missed!
carissa said…
hahaha I am right there with ya! Been missing. Glad you are ok though!
Jm Diaz said…
I heart you, and missed you! Though the Trav cracks me up.
Sierra Godfrey said…
You're so cute. I totes said all those things.
Travener said…
You have quoted me fictitiously but accurately. BTW, I'm less interested in the baby bump than the boobage, but you knew that already.

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