I'll be unplugged next week while I'm at the beach getting my vacay on. Yes, I know you'll miss me, but absence makes the heart grow even fonder! For the record, I am quite behind on my google reader. I'm hoping to catch up and visit all your fabulous blogs before I leave. Mama loves you!
In other news, is this not awesome?! ...
In other news, is this not awesome?! ...
I'll be back next week with photos galore of my bathing suit baby bump (which will probably be made up of about 14 pounds of peel-and-eat shrimp and other beachy treats. If I can't drink frozen adult beverages, you'd better believe I'll be reaching levels of intoxication via food.)
Good-bye, land lubbers. I'm beach bound!
I know you love me and haven't forgotten about me ;) YET.
Have fun and don't burn.