Well, my first attempt at National November Writing Month was an utter FAIL... unless, of course, you consider it a success to write 25k in words when the goal is 50. When you look at it that way , I only half failed. Awesomespice. (I'm pretty sure I'll only add spice onto words when being sarcastic, Jayme. I want to use it correctly, but I just can't. I hate to say it, but I think it's like fetch : it's just never going to happen. Sorry, Gretchen Weiners.) Yes, it's Monday and I am moody. I feel like someone took a hacksaw to my sinus cavities last night while I was sleeping, and when they were finished with that torture, they went ahead and stuck a hot poker in my bronchial areas. It's all grim and phlegm over here at musings of amber murphy today. Still, I vow to accentuate the positive. Look out for LoDecWriMo, which stands for Local December Writing Month, and is my own little venture to write fifty thousand words in the same month as Chri...