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Award Winning Wednesday

I love getting awards. I think it's because I need want affirmation.

I've received three awards in the last week, and now I'm going to brag about them!

Tina Lynn over at Sweet Niblets gave me two awards. (I'm starting to wonder if she has the same kind of crush on me that she has on Fiction Goupie.) Anyway, I ain't complain'.

The first award is the Kreativ Blogger Award. This award excites me to to end, because I need affirmation because of its cute spelling. Well, not really. The spelling is actually quite annoying, but it's the thought that counts.

So, the torch shall be passed to the following bloggers, who make me feel happy in my heart with their ingenuity.

First, to my fellow Hoosier the inDefatigable mjenks at A Crown of Thistles for rewriting children's books, blowing up pumpkins all last month, and for almost puking in a girl's mouth one time.

Second, to Carissa at Carissa Jaded for her stormy blog header and devotion to the vocal arts.

Third, to Tia at Clever Girl Goes Blog for her use of the parenthetical aside.

Fourth, to Leslie at Walking in Memphis, for having a blog named after one of my all time favorite songs.

Fifth, to the boys over at Confessions of a Morman Bachelor Pad for their inappropriate use of a sweet girl's handwritten letter in a recent entry and for being my biggest guilty pleasure since the American Idol season ended.

Onward to my second award from Tina Lynn, a.k.a. my lady lover. She gave me the Honest Scrap Award for my ability to occasionally embarras myself on Thursdays.

Other honest bloggers:

To Lilu at Livit, Luvit for heading up TMI Thursdays and insanely linking all of our posts to her blog each week. I've linked her most recent post secret edition from last week, and you better check it out, because it is fierce.

To the Organic Meatbag for leaving comments like these on my blog: Hooray for Mammaw! She sounds like an ass-kicker! and Amber, I'll personally see to it that you get all of this stuff... Santa owes me a favor since I saved his ass in 'nam...hahahahah. Well, I don't know if that makes him honest or just funny.

To my girl (first follower!) Too Cute to be Very Interesting for admitting that she is not always both funny and smart. I think she's both more often than not.

To Salena at The Daily Rant, because she links her daily posts to previous posts (i.e. one year ago, two years ago, three years ago, four years ago) which I think is just stupid cool.

Finally, to THE OTHER at The Life and Times of the Other Woman because the title says it all, and she finally stopped capitalizing the words HE, HIM, and HIS every time she uses them. THANK YOU for stopping that.

My third award is from Travener at The Big Litowski. He's the boy who taught me the word subterfuge. He gave me The Thoroughbred Golden Pin Award for always cheering him up with my humor and sensibility. (I think it was a compliment.) Also, he called me the Louisville Filly.

Look for some Golden Pin Awards of my own, which I will bestow upon some lucky people next week... when it's time for another edition of Award Winning Wednesday. (Husband is kicking me off computer now for World of Warcraft commitments. Sheesh.)


MJenks said…
I just learned that my alma mater is playing Indiana on November 9th.

I might pony up the two dollars to watch it on

Thanks for the award. No, really. I love it.
carissajaded said…
Awww! thanks so much!!! You are!!

I'm pumped to check out your other picks!
Roni Loren said…
Congrats on the awards. There are girl crushes abound, lol. :)
saucyminx410 said…
So you're a W.O.W widow too huh? Ben is upstairs throwing dots and battling things as we speak- good to know I'm not alone!
Tina Lynn said…
I'm not admitting to anything! I'm not denying it either:)
Travener said…
Can I watch you and Tina Lynn...uh, you know...uh, cozy up...?
rachaelgking said…
Awwww, you're the best, hon! Just wait for tomorrow... the next installment of TMIT Post Secret style is amazing, thanks to all the kickass contributors- YOU GUYS!!!
The Daily Rant said…
Hey! Thanks for the award and the shout out! I welcome any and all of your readers who want to come my way. I'm thinking they'll find SOMETHING to read that they'll like in the past five years of blog posts. If not, they can always just look at the pictures. Thanks Amber for the mention!

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