Apparently, people like lists.
Well, I read that somewhere. Someone wrote it = it must be true.
Top Ten Reasons Amber May Discontinue TMI Thursdays in 2010:
10. If her mother read some of them then her mother would be sad.
9. If her husband read some of them then her husband would be mad.
8. TMI is really just code for lack of filter.
7. Future agents/ bosses/lovers (what? where did that come from?) may not be amused.
6. Oversharing should be saved for alcohol soaked evenings, face to face with "live" friends who will promise to keep my sordid stories secret and inevitably blab them all around town.
5. Do people really want to hear about Amber's third nipple, Amber's nub-of-a-tail, and Amber's illegitimate throng of stephchildren?
4. People might start to wonder if any of the factoids in reason number five are actually true, and if I don't continue with TMI Thursdays... they may never know.
3. TMI does not necessarily stand for "takes more imagination."
2. Because what you don't know won't hurt you?
1. I can't tell you; it's too embarrassing.
(I'm blushing.)
So, TMI: Keep it or dump it?
Well, I read that somewhere. Someone wrote it = it must be true.
Top Ten Reasons Amber May Discontinue TMI Thursdays in 2010:
10. If her mother read some of them then her mother would be sad.
9. If her husband read some of them then her husband would be mad.
8. TMI is really just code for lack of filter.
7. Future agents/ bosses/
6. Oversharing should be saved for alcohol soaked evenings, face to face with "live" friends who will promise to keep my sordid stories secret and inevitably blab them all around town.
5. Do people really want to hear about Amber's third nipple, Amber's nub-of-a-tail, and Amber's illegitimate throng of stephchildren?
4. People might start to wonder if any of the factoids in reason number five are actually true, and if I don't continue with TMI Thursdays... they may never know.
3. TMI does not necessarily stand for "takes more imagination."
2. Because what you don't know won't hurt you?
1. I can't tell you; it's too embarrassing.
(I'm blushing.)
So, TMI: Keep it or dump it?
Tina: We are SO playing Truth or Scare in about five minutes!
Shandal: I highly doubt your life is boring. :)
Deb: Were you just telling me what I wanted to hear? Well, either way: keep talkin'!
Oh, Travener: Don't cry. I won't disappoint you.
Roni: I think your words are like the little angel on my shouder... and I feel like I am brushing that angel aside and saying "I'll see ya in the confessional." :) For now, at least. Why, in my heart of hearts, do I feel like you'll say you told me so one of these days?
Melissa: I like Tina's idea, too. I really, really like it!
Carissa: Whatever. Don't tone it down. Your wet pants TMI Vlog was one of my favorite moments of 2009.
Lilu: I am not abandoning ship! ;)