I'm home for lunch. It's such a treat to get to compose a blog post during the day. Oh, wait. I don't know what to write about. I need a topic. There are several things I could tell you about -- my new job, the amount of money I have spent in the last two weeks due to not coming home for lunch, how cold it is in Kentucky today, and (in related news) about the snowstorm that we may or may not get tonight or tomorrow morning. So, there's plenty to choose from. Let's start with the new job -- I love it. I have really clicked with the staff, the customers are all friendly, and it's been an easy transition (with the expception of the 8:15 a.m. arrival.) However, I'm still really glad it's Friday. I'll be even happier when it's time to lock the bank doors at 6:05 tonight. I am looking forward to the weekend, and the possibility of being snowed-in is, which is quite appealing. I will watch movies and college basketball and read books a...