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because i won awards

In the past little while, I have received several blog awards. Blog awards make me feel warm and fuzzy inside and cause me to jump up and down and clap my hands together.

Sweet Shandal gave me this happy award and now
I am supposed to tell you ten things that make me happy. So, I will.
1. Peace and quiet when I get home from work, which I am so not experiencing at this moment.
2. Sleeping in until noon. Or, waking up earlier than that and not needing to rush around to go anywhere.
3. Breakfast for dinner.
4. Blog comments. (Seriously, I think it causes a spike in my seratonin.)
5. Wearing purple.
6. My niece, Carley, who is specialspice.
7. Ending things with spice because I jock busybeelauren.
8. icky love stuff.
9. karaoke.
10. water: of the ocean, the pool, and the hot tub variety.

For the record, Pink Flipflops bestowed this award on me about a month ago, and I would like to publicly thank her now, though I did so at the time on a blog comment.

I am also supposed to pass this on to ten happy blogs. I will do that. Eventually.

Poshspice for a new generation, Jayme over at Kentucky Blonde awarded me with the chic blogger award. I thought it was pronounced chick like a baby bird, but she corrected me and told me that it's actually pronounced sheek. I am not sure I am worthy of this award. I think she may have only given it to me because I am kind of her boss, (but I'm only her boss until tomorrow, after which we will no longer be working together.)

There are no rules associated with this award, but I may pass it on to someone fashionable. Eventually.

Finally, Yvonne, The Organic Writer, thinks I am worthy of the Super Scribbler Award, and I am honored. Now, I have heard of this award before, but I was pleased as punch to discover its origins.

I think this is supercoolspice. Check out The Scholastic Scribe, where it all started. These are the official rules, most of which I am breaking. For the moment.

Of course, as with every Bloggy Award, there are A Few Rules. They are, forthwith:
Each Superior Scribbler must in turn pass The Award on to 5 most-deserving Bloggy Friends.
Each Superior Scribbler must link to the author & the name of the blog from whom he/she has received The Award.
Each Superior Scribbler must display The Award on his/her blog, and link to This Post, which explains The Award.
Each Blogger who wins The Superior Scribbler Award must visit this post and add his/her name to the Mr. Linky List. That way, we'll be able to keep up-to-date on everyone who receives This Prestigious Honor!
Each Superior Scribbler must post these rules on his/her blog.

(A note from me: I couldn't find a way to add my name to the Mr. Linky List, sadly. However, it was cool to see the 1039 bloggers who are linked!)

I feel important.

I shall be passing along the awards at some point. If you are interested in one of the awards, feel free to comment and nominate yourself.


Roni Loren said…
Congrats on all your awards!
Shandal said…
Congrats on all of your awards! :) Have a good weekend!
Oh goodey, I get to spike your seratonin!!! Congrats and happy weekend.
Melissa Hurst said…
This reminds me that I need to pass on some awards, too:) Congrats!
Natalie Murphy said…
Neato awards! Congrats!

Okay, so I was changing a bunch of things around on my blog and somehow I stopped following a bunch of people! Sadly you were one of them -sniffles- However, I have rectified the situation and am again following you ;)

Can you ever forgive me?!?!?
um, my happy list would include 6/10's of yours! How cool is that?
jayme said…
if you think i only gave you that award because you're my boss, you'vegotmefuckedupspice. you're totally chic, chick, and sheek.
dolorah said…
Umm, breakfast for dinner. That one's my favorite!

I've been reading through your blog and I must say I enjoyed the poetry, though its really not my thing. Nicely done.


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