I got tagged in a fun blog meme, because ND at Delicious Ambiguity thinks I am a fun blogger. We do have some important things in common, since I think she is a fun blogger, too. For instance, last Friday she was feeling a bit prickly and wrote a list of her greivances of the week, including this wrongspice boy she once, I assume, quasi-dated. I sent my former rebound flame a really nicely thought out birthday card in hopes that he has gotten less hateful in the 6 months since we last spoke, and he responded via email, "Thanks for the birthday card. I have no desire to reconnect with you right now. I hope things are well." Don't you just love her already?! You must check out her blog! So, the rules of the meme are to post a list of things you like/love/hate, and then link to three bloggers who you admire! All you have to do is fill in your likes/loves/hates after the bolded words! :) Have fun! I like the cool side of the pillow. I like sleeping in on Sund...