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apparently, i belong at dunder mifflin

I am not often told that I resemble anyone remotely famous, but a few weeks ago, I wore my hair curly (which really just means scrunched with some gel) when I worked a Saturday morning at the bank.

One of my coworkers said it looked "very Pam Beasley."

Even later, after telling my hubs the story and getting his opinion on whether or not this was a compliment -- he said, "Pam's hot. I'd do her" -- I was still not convinced that I would ever wear my hair curly again. When I think of Pam, I think of frumpy.

So, I was not particularly stoked that I had found my facebook doppleganger weeks late, but I didn't let it break-a my stride. Nobody's gonna slow me down. (Etc.)

Part two.

Enter: mr. and mrs. musings of amber murphy, headed out on Friday evening for a date night. Since our tax refund had been directly deposited into our his checking account hours before, we had money burning a hole in our proverbial pockets.

Hubs and I decided a trip to the casino boat just across the river was in order. We would allow ourselves to take a gamble with a mere $100.00 each from said tax return. Yes, we were to yank on those slot machines without a care in the world!

Because I am a bit of a control freak (who, me?!) I decided I would rather take my fate into my own hands and sit down at the poker table to play a little no-limit texas hold-em. When I sat down with my measley stack of poker chips, I was the only lady at the table. I doubled my money in no time. I was the life of the party. I was on my game.

Then, it happened. (Yes, I lost all my chips. I ended up walking out of the casino $100.00 lighter. But that is not where I'm going with this story.)

The dealer at the table innocently asked me, "Has anyone ever told you that you look like that girl from The Office?"

Immediately, I cringed. "You have got to be kiddingmespice," I responded, sans the spice, since I don't actually say spice in real life when I am speaking to strangers. "What is the deal? You are the second person in less than a month who has said I look like Pam!" I thought about launching a poker chip at him, but I was concerned that I might be ejected from the casino for attacking a card dealer. (Plus, I didn't really have the chips to spare.)

"No, not her, the other one. The new girl!"

Some other dude with more chips than me piped in, "Yeah, the hot one!" 

I relaxed. I had spent a fair amount of time applying make-up for our big-night-out, and even super-straightened my hair.

But, since I don't watch The Office on the regular, I decided some research was in order. After folding another mediocre hand, I went to the ladies room to capture my hotspice self on film. I immediately knew that when I got home, I was going to google-image this alledged Office-hottie and do a little comparison.

Well, she is cute. But, I think I'm cuter... even though it looks like I'm attemping to eat my bottom lip. Was I trying to look seductive?

Maybe I was just concentrating. After all, I was in the middle of taking a leak.

I should have quit playing while I was ahead. (So much for my pa-pa-poker face.)


Travener said…
Uh, I could have done without knowing exactly when you snapped that photo of yourself.
Ashley Stone said…
You don't look like Pam! But you do kinda look like the other girl, but hey, she's super cute!

I left you another award at my place, haha.

Pass it on if you want or just enjoy it... no rules from me!
You do kinda look like that girl. Just take the compliments and run. :)
Unknown said…
You have a wonderful blog -- I look forward to following!

And I agree, although you resemble the new Office chick, you are much prettier!
Roni Loren said…
I can definitely see the resemblance to new girl. Although, I wouldn't take too much offense to the Pam thing. My husband agrees with yours and thinks Pam's hot. Of course, he could just be saying that in retaliation for me always mentioning how delicious Jim is.
EmcogNEATO! said…
I can see it a little.

And I think you should say "spice" to random strangers. Just sayin'.
Anonymous said…
Good post and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you as your information.
Tina Lynn said…
Hmmm...I don't see it. With either. You're too hotandsexyspice.
Melissa Hurst said…
Hey, I do see the resemblance! And that is a compliment because she is very cute;)

Hmm, I wonder what Portia will think?
Melissa Hurst said…
Okay, nevermind about that second comment!
Yeah, I don't see the looking like Pam comment. Though, you look more like the other girl.
Unknown said…
You do look like Erin somewhat, and she's super cute so I'd say your good!!
Melissa B. said…
Hmmmmmm...I could see a resemblance, perhaps with curly hair and if I saw you up close and personal. But not in the loo!
Sierra Godfrey said…
I love you Amber, I laughed all the way through that!
carissa said…
HAHAH i loved this post. And while i can see a slight resemblence, you are WAY CUTER!

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