Man, Twitter's a rough place.
Between the backward Kentucky parents who are terrified of their children hearing that it's okay to say Gay and the "Adnan is guilty" camp, it's been a rough week.
At least it's Hump Day.
I'm sure someone's panties area in a wad because I said HUMP.
So, panties are very twisted all over the country as a concerted effort began - what, a year ago or so? - to TAKE OUT the secular man, the Humanists, the writers down of words and ideas.
And, it's really shitty.
I understand that parents want to decide what is age-appropriate for their children to read. The same goes for television, movies, social media, and hell, you probably even have a major news outlet that you prefer. So, yeah - you want to know what words, images, and ideas are entering your child's impressionable brain, so that you can gatekeep out all of the "bad."
And what "Bad" are you keeping out?
So far, it seems to be the blowjobs and the butt stuff.
But, what are you allowing in?
See, there doesn't seem to be a push to talk about "good" books. Something uplifting, or transformative or essential.
It's only parents who want their child to follow Jesus. Or to follow Hate. Why are those two words starting to sound the same to my ear?
And will stop at nothing to keep that child uneducated from the "ways of the (sinful, fallen) world" in order their boys turn into Straight White Christian Men who give birth to Straight White Chistian Boys, who also have to be told what to say, how to act, and what to think.
Oh, and the girls? They definitely have to be pure and proper, subservient, virginal mothers, vessels for their future husbands' seed.
With the lack of reproductive health care available, and even more stringent restrictions coming... whew, True Love Waits is going to get a whole new Rebirth.
Will I "give" your child a copy of a book you want banned?
Fuck No. I'm not an idiot. Especially the way you crazy Culty people do, you run around suing people when your free speech is banned at School Board Meetings. (And you don't even see the Irony.)
So, fuck no. I'm not giving your kids shit.
But you know who will give them a copy of a banned book? Or take them to a Drag Brunch? Or let them hear a Ted Talk by an impassioned gay speaker? Etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc....
Someone will.
And the more you tell your child things are "Dirty" and "Filthy" and "Nasty..." the more enticing it all sounds.
Yummy. Who doesn't love Forbidden Fruit?