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When The Book is Thrown at Them (But Not Literally)

The Moderators of the Facebook Group called The Gallery - intended for "fans of the problematic The Prosecutors Podcast - must have been incredibly bored before I came along.

First, there was the doxing. See, I use my pen name on Twitter, and I use my Real-Life Name on Facebook - you know, the Virtual Place where my twelve-year-old daughter and my prim and proper mother like to review my behavior online. 

I mean, I was posting on Twitter and Leigh Burch and getting so many troll comments about how I'm insane, obsessed - you know, terrible all around and the like. So, I went to vent in the Truth & Justice FB fan page and admitted (using my real name) that I was interacting with The Pros Pod and their fans on Facebook using ONE name, and on Twitter using another.

This is starting to sound like middle school girl drama, I know. 

Long story short - some chic named Becca or Mandy or something doxxed me by taking a screen shot from the T&J page, and my "cover" was blown. But, and more importantly, my PEN NAME was blown. However, I take full responsibility for that, because I walked right into it.

And, there were pros and cons. My readership has increased by a large margin. And, I can still "use" that pen name. I'll have a novel coming out in spring or summer 2024, so building an audience is of pretty big importance.

But, I digress. 

So, I'm told be the moderator that I wasn't doxxed. That's some BS, man. I hadn't been this hot under the collar since the whole "PERSONALLY VICTIMIZED" half-joke that led me to receive numerous antagonistic remarks because I don't, apparently, understand gaslighting.

PS - if you tell someone they don't understand what it means to be gat lit, I'd check the mirror. You're essentially gaslighting them with what you're saying. 

PPS - It's easier said than done to get an @AliceBrett follower to look at it that way. Or, to look at really anything that their Cult Leaders don't Expressly Condone.

They aren't real great at critically thinking. Or subterfuge. Alice and Brett know this, they know their audience. 

They love preaching to a Deluded Choir. 

My final interaction with The Gallery Fan Page (which might as well be called the Gallows) was yesterday evening. Just to clue you in: I have a mood disorder, anxiety, and I struggle with SEVERE insomnia. That said, my temperament is generally warm and cordial.

I Have Been Removed from The Group - Exiled and Ostracized for the following response to Moderator David Dumas' comment to me. This involved a post where I posited that Alonzo Sellers might be Hae's killer or the one who helped bury her body. And for VALID reasons, in part based on his escalating behaviors and the proximately of his home to the back parking lot of the school, where Hae may have met with foul play.

Mr. Dumass let me know real quick that Alonzo Sellers would have HAD to have been a criminal mastermind on the level of "and Ed Kemper" for Seller's to be able to plausibly try to insert himself into the investigation.


David Dumas goes on for a lengthy reply about how I'm the one who is dumb, etc. I don't have it handy to quote it since I was banned from their page like a Pariah. You'll get the drift, though, based on my response. 

And here it is, because I got screenshots - I knew it was a bridge too far and I was going to get blocked. There's nothing more typical, more tried and truer than The Prosecutor's Podcast wanting to control the message so their listeners continue to receive a dumb downed version of whatever Brett and Alice want the truth to be.

@David Dumass,

Does a long reply get us extra credit? It's completely disingenuous to compare Alonzo sellers with Ed Kemper. You're essentially pandering to a base of group members who have decided to blindly agree with your Leaders, and, of course, they do - after listening to a very VERY well-orchestrated and one-sided presentation of "facts" that couldn't be arranged with any less context, unless Alice and Brett were told they could only continue to have relevance, but they would have to deny their Political Party.

When we take away the room for discourse in this country, we cannot complain about how far we are from a perfect union. David, you are moderating into an absolute void here - here in your safe, conservative, "it had to be the Muslim kid" and the cops never, ever conspire brand of a gas - oops, I meant ECHO chamber."

When we silence our adversaries and those who disagree with us, we lose our way as a nation, we lose our way in our careers, and we lose our way with the ones we love. 

So, don't hide behind some fantasy that you can brainwash me. I came from the taptaptap variety of people whom Brett and want to call: insane, crazy, or disparaging of the police.

In my opinion, you will be hard pressed to get the Truth & Justice army off your back, but we don't come armed with 2nd amendment, we come with transcripts and telling police reports - and we do it from a place where it's up to each of us to make up our own minds. 

I pity your listeners, I honestly do. Brett and Alice could spin any rhetorical yarn they wanted, and you all would be wearing a sweater made of vine. So, don't you dare so I'm off base - I'm no MOOD... to get gaslit... tonight. 


Leigh Hutchens Burch 


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