I started a new medication recently, and the side effects are ruining me.
The fatigue started a couple of weeks ago. I feel so tired all day it's almost like I never wake up. After a full eight hours or more, I'm still needing a cat nap in the middle of the work day - just to get through it.
Thank god I'm still working from home.
When I do have to get out to meet clients, I feel so sleepy behind the wheel. It's not unsafe, it's just unnatural.
Yeah, on occasion insomnia has caused some big problems for my mental well being, and my ability to stay connected to reality -
but this new medication is just making me feel really dull.
Yesterday, after sleeping a full eight hours, I had to take two naps. And I still fell asleep around 10 pm, and slept until almost seven this morning.
My only dreams are odd and stressful ones.
I need some inspiration.
I'm about to start a Master's in Arts in Writing program, and the last thing I'm feeling is creative.
Secretly, I feel like I need the mania to create, but I don't want to push for that. I just need a happy medium, or maybe an actual medium, to tell me what to do.
Send energy and send help.