My 10 year old is a mess. On our ride to school this morning, fog blanketed us in a cozy haze. Her take on it?
"It makes us look like we live in a serial-killer-town."
She starts making noises and explains, it's a killer coming out of the woods, with a chainsaw!
She's so dark.
Gone are the Halloweens of old, where I decide she'll be dressing up as: a lady bug, Piglet, or a puppy dog.
It's been two years or so since she did her own makeup as a zombie prom queen.
And now? She prefers to trick or treat from dad's house instead of mine, and she has her reasons.
1) She has a step-sister at Dad's house. Who doesn't want to trick or treat with your sibling?
2) The houses are "closer together..."
3) She also has a DOG at dad's house. (We're petless over here.) She and her doggo like to dress up in couples' costumes.
So, while my husband and I should have her for Halloween weekend, we'll let her trick or treat as she chooses, because I'm not a monster.
She said I'm welcome to come to Daddy's neighborhood and follow her around.
I'm not a monster, but I'll be inside where it's warm, handing out candy to the kids in my neighborhood. The houses may not be as close together, and we may not have a puppy or a little sister, but we do have Full Size Candy Bars so, you know what kid, suck it!