In this photo: I don't have any pants on!! I had my first ultrasound yesterday. I thought they were going to squeeze some KY Jelly looking stuff on my belly and roll this video camera contraption around on me groin. Oh, no. Instead, my doctor inserted a dildo-ish device right up in my you-know! FYI. That chair contorts. I was all high up in the air, legs splayed open and feet resting in oven-mit covered stirrups. Next to me, hubs says, "We need a chair like that!" My mind immediately went to sexy time games, so I got all blushy. Anywayspice. Hi, I'm Leigh's uterus! I have a visitor. Well, there is -- in fact -- a baby inside me. Baby is 1.01 cm long and we got to see the strong heart beat. Doctor mentioned there is only ONE baby in there. Hallelujah. My due date is officially December 16, 2010.