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but i do have a really cute garden gnome

This weekend, hubs spent $300.00 on a lawnmower. Yes, you read that right. Three.hundred.smackers.

I feel it is my wifely duty to make sure he gets his money's worth out of said purchase. Just sayin'.

In related news, I, Amber Leigh Tidd Murphy, do not have green thumbs. Tasks like mulching and weeding and sowing and reaping are really not in my arsenal of talents. That's why my neighbors have cutespice flower beds and I have overgrown shrubs and some out of control greenery from a failed attempt a few years ago. (I want to call it very all very organic looking, but that would be a lie. What it is, is a hot mess.)

(Though I don't dig outdoorsy gardening, I do prune the interior. Let's not get carried away.)

Now, I could go all writerly here, and use some lame metaphor about weeding and pruning ones first draft, but since I haven't completed my MS, I am not allowed to do that. I sent my inner editor packing. She's currently out of town with my filter, tact, and discretion. They are vacationing somewhere with prettier (exterior) landscapes.

When my inner editor returns, perhaps she will help with my Beta Club rewrite.

p.s. I wonder if she's any good with a weedwacker.


Susan R. Mills said…
It's always good to send the internal editor packing.
I'm with you on the whole 'no green thumbs' thing. I kill everything I touch. Plants run in fear of me. And I don't even have a rockin' garden gnome like you have to my name. :)
Travener said…
Just refer to your overgrown yard as a "natural space" -- that covers a multitude of sins.
Jm Diaz said…
I'm sad that your internal editor went on vaca, and left my sorry ass here.. in this place... with these people.
Talli Roland said…
Cute gnome! :)

I kill plants. Not on purpose, we just don't seem to get along too well!
Anonymous said…
I haven't seen my filter in a while. Tact shows up now and then, drunk, and tells me that Discretion is passed out underneath a bar in Rio. I'm not sure what to do about that, and wish Discretion would find someplace closer to pass out. It's just that I worry for his health.
Unknown said…
No green thumb here either! PS Love the gnome!
Tina Lynn said…
I can usually kill most plants within a solid three days, let's hope my MS fairs better, shall we?
Melissa Hurst said…
I used to attempt the pretty flower gardens and flower pots and all that stuff that makes your house and yard look cute. But I'm tired of spending all that cashola and having dried up plants within the month. #ihavenogreenthumbs
Patti said…
That's why I have all perennials and married a guy who is obsessed with having a green green lawn.
Ashley Stone said…
my lawn is pathetic too. I need to do something to it soon.

And I have never in my life mowed grass. And I'm proud of it!!!
Tahereh said…
loool you're too cute!
carissa said…
I don't know why, but mowing is the only thing i don't mind doing. However, at first glance in my reader i thought your hubs spent 300 dollars on a garden gnome. I woulda had to slap a bitch then...
I don't garden. That is why I choose to have a husband.
And he is tall, and can get things that are too high for my 5foot self to reach.

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