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tonight, we have a tender chicken cutlet covered in awesomesauce (and two other awards)

So, I've been hoarding blog awards like they are leftover Easter candy. (Let's be honest, who hoards candy? I usually eat it all in about 1.5 sittings.) So, I've been hoarding these awards like they are... high school memorabilia, or episodes of LOST on my DVR... or something.

Yeah, so I got the Awesomesauce Award from a few peeps.
(You know how hard it is for me to refrain from changing this to the awesomespice award, don't you?)

It was bequeathed to me by Jen, a new blogger over at Unedited, who inexplicably has amassed 400 + followers in two months. What is her secretspice? I don't know... it must be in her awesomesauce!

I also got the awesomesauce love from the lovely and talented sarahjayne at Writing in the Wilderness.

(Update: Nicole at One Significant Moment gave it to me today, too! I just went to link her blog to give her another award... see Sunshine, below... and there I was! Spewing awesomesauce. Again.) ;)

(Thanks, ladies!)

I'm passing on a heaping spoonful of my awesomesauce to the following blogs, which you should read if you don't already.

1) Ashley Stone is a beautiful person and a talented song writer... and she can sing, too! She is going to win the Myspace GLEE auditions and be on the show. I just know it.
2) Sierra Godfrey may as well be covered in awesomesauce. I'm not just saying this because she often links my blog in her Friday Reader Round-up.
3) Lilu masterminded TMI Thursdays, and was eventually brave enough to put and end to TMI Thursdays. Well, I didn't stop posting my own TMI stories, but do you blame me? No. You still love it. She writes another cool regular post called The Shiz my Boyfriend Says, which I totally plan to borrow sometime.
4) My favorite Kentucky Blonde is blogging with more consistency again because she discovered she can still post from work. This makes her a happy banker. She was also the second person on the planet to know I was preggers. (Well, third... counting me.)
5) I wish I could take Tina Sandoval out on a date. We'd eat porkchops... and awesomesauce.
Moving right along.

I revceived the "You are my Sunshine" supportive commenter award from Laurel -- the princess of prose, I swear it! -- over at Laurel's Leaves. This is probably because I always refer to her as adorable.
Thanks, Laurel!

To Nicole (One Significant Moment) for your compliments when I posted on Roni's Beta Club.
To Roni (my dearest fiction groupie) for saying that I am a naturally hilarious blogger.
To Charity Bradford, whom I don't have a close bloggy relationship with (yet)... but she still cried when she read my preggers-post, and for that, Iadoreherspice.
Travener is always leaving me little nuggets of wonderful. (Like when he wrote, "Virtual Baby Shower!" That made my day.)
Finally, to Mehlane, who also claims she welled-up in the tear-duct department while reading my letter-to-fetus. She is so warm hearted that sometimes I wonder if she's real.

Last but not least.

Tina Sandoval, my Sweet Niblet, gave me the Soulmates award, obvi. (It's not that we have girl crushes on each other; our infatuation runs deeper than that.)
Thanks, wifey.

This award must go to:
Natalie Murphy... she's a Murphy by birth, and I'm not, but it still counts.
Carissa Jaded... we share a love of karaoke and both have trouble keeping our cars clean.
JM Diaz... because if I were single and not knocked up, I would put the pedal to the metal and high-tail it to Atlanta and force him to get a divorce and beminespice.
The now anonymous man who did my birthday post. Sometimes, we facebook chat during basketball games.
Well, it's getting thrown back to Tina Lynn Sandoval Murphy. Duhspice.

So, in truth, I don't really know if these awards came with rules or stipulations -- I just passed them on as I pleased because I am preggers and I am allowed to do whatever I want. Yeah.

If you didn't get an award from me... are you mad?
Discuss in the comments.
Also, be sure to follow each blog linked or you and I can no longer be friends.
You think that's extreme? You think I'm bluffing?

(last two lines brought to you by hormones and bloatedness.)


Thanks so being so gracious with your awards, Amber. And thanks again for the obvious effort you put into making your blog as interesting and as lovely as it is. Come check out mine, WRITING IN THE CROSSHAIRS. Pull up a cyber-chair and visit awhile, Roland
Unknown said…
You are so sweet to pass the awesomesauce award to me!!! I think you are so awesomespice and all these awards were well deserved!!
Anonymous said…
Yes, I'm rather resentful that you gave my nemesis and award, and not me. However, I shall console myself with the monstrously amusing fact that I got linky-love in your pregnancy announcement blog.


Oh, I'll also console myself with vodka and sushi. Is it mean of me to say that? (Probably.)

You crack me up. My dissertation is on being preggers and the effect that it has on one's sense of self. And now every time I visit your blog, it makes me thing about how I should be working on my dissertation. Thanks a lot, Amber. Geez. :p
Unknown said…
Hey!! Thanks, sista! I ran out of time this afternoon, trying to visit all the blogs I awarded today. There isn't enough time before that school bus gets here (you'll see what I mean in a few years *wink*)!

Sorry I didn't get to tell you about your award before you found it on your own. And thanks so much for thinking of me when you were handing out yours! You rock :))

Hope you're feeling well. Get plenty of rest -- carrying a baby is an energetic activity! Thinking of you!
Melissa Hurst said…
Thanks for the award sweets! Love ya muchspice:)

Sorry I've been MIA lately - been sick and I'm having issues with pollen. Hope you're not getting morning sickness yet, that is the worst part of being preggers, IMO.
Ashley Stone said…
Aw thank you!!!!!!!!! I love the awesomesauce!! Glee hasn't called yet...but when they do I'll let you know. haha. xoxo
Tina Lynn said…
I feel so loved. And I hope you will, too, when you visit my blog:)
jayme said…
awesomesauce? I LOVE IT! ...even if it isn't spice... thanks altm! i loooover you and your precious daughter, errr i mean, bun in the oven! :)
Erin said…
congrats on all the awards!
Talli Roland said…
Congrats on the awards and the people you've passed them on to! :)
Roni Loren said…
Thanks for the award, chica, and congrats on receiving all of them yourself!
Jm Diaz said…
If those conditions were met dear, you betcha' I'd be blue grassing faster than a Derby Stud.. and no, I did NOT just call myself a stud.. #Imjustsayn'
What a treat. After four days away from google reader, I waded through 200+ posts and found this one near the bottom.

Thanks! It made my bleeding eyes feel so much better. ;)

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