Guys, I can't sleep.
That's not true. I'm starting to get tired before 11:00 at night, and we usually shut our eyes before midnight. I don't have much trouble falling asleep.
It's the STAYING asleep that has been the issue of late. (Late - no pun intended.)
Jezel. Peets!
I keep waking up at 5:00 in the morning having to hit the head, which is a manly way for a guy's gal to politely say: I gotta pee. But, then I feel wide awake and figure I might as well spend 3 hours writing or researching agents or sending queries or editing. Then I'll make the coffee after hubs gets up at 8:00, and feel like I've already tackled so much.
Which is cool, I guess. But weird. Before I finished my book I liked my 8 hours of sleep. Sometimes 9 if I was feeling lazy or especially if I'd imbibed too much the night before.
But, this morning, the sleepy fairy punched me in the face just after 3:00 'ey em.
The bastard.
Can we still say bastard?
So, here I sit, bladder empty. Mind ready.
I need more rest. My brain DOES (clap) NOT (clap) STOP (clap.)
Maybe I'm just depressed.
You know, because COVID, BLM, certain abortion laws, the corruption in politics, the world.
Insomnia doesn't mean I'm manic, this I know. And I'd rather be the person who wakes up at 5 ready to go than the person dreading the sound of the alarm.
I just want to be healthy. That's all.
So, good morning.