And... breathe.
Over 45 days, I've staggered and sent 40 queries. I've tightened and line edited my manuscript. I've shuffled a few chapters around to tell my story in what I am convinced is the best possible way to tell it.
I'm tired.
Yet, not too tired to get up early this morning to hit send on my latest two query letters.
Y'all, I think I'm finished querying for the month. 40 feels like a good number. I have 35 outstanding.
My rejections include:
3 form rejections
1 oopsie in which I mixed up Laura's and queried the same agency twice
1 kind, thoughtful rejection (my first one!)
After I write this blog post, what will I do with myself?
I'm starting a low-residency MFA program in November. I keep telling myself not to write too much of my sequel so I can work on it during the independent study. But I can't resist!
This morning, I'll read the 2,000 words I have so far, and write at least one more scene.
It will feel good to get going on something new. I can distract myself with writing while I wait for query responses and basketball season. (Go Hoosiers!)